The Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) is the state-affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). The Council's rich history dates back to over 100 years ago, with a group of educators that called themselves the Association of Teachers of Mathematics of the Middle States and Maryland. This group of dedicated professionals met regularly and published a professional journal called The Mathematics Teacher, which is now published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and widely read by thousands of teachers worldwide.
In 1933, that group became one of the NCTM’s earliest affiliates and called themselves the Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM). MCTM is a public voice of mathematics education, inspiring vision, providing leadership, offering professional development, and supporting equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students. The Council's members represent all levels of mathematics educators, from preschool through college. |
Why Join?
If you are interested in your own growth as a teacher and in making mathematics education in Maryland the best it can be, you should join. MCTM membership supports an annual state conference, occasional regional workshops, new teacher packets, and teaching awards. MCTM has hosted regional NCTM meetings and co-hosted national NCTM meetings. The organization also works collaboratively with other state and national organizations to improve mathematics education.
Membership Benefits
Members receive a wide array of benefits, including free or reduced cost registration to professional development offerings, connection to a network of over 1000 teachers and leaders in mathematics education, and access to regular MCTM publications. The annual cost of membership is $20.