We hope you enjoy the day. This site will serve as our online program, which includes a schedule of events and session descriptions. Note: Today we will be using #MDMath18 on all social media.
First, we would like to take a moment to thank the individuals who helped to make this day possible.
Conference chairs: Jenny Novak (MCTM Past President), Greta Richard (MCTM Coaching Chair), & Beth Kobett (AMMTE Representative & Stevenson faculty)
Partners/Sponsors: Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators (Partner Organization) Matific (Event Sponsor) Stevenson University (Host University)
Program Navigation
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Enjoying the conference? Join us for our annual MCTM conference on Friday, October 19th! We will have a coaching strand with presentations throughout the day.
Also, have a great session idea? Submit a proposal by June 15th at http://tinyurl.com/mctmspeak2018. Lead speakers receive free admission to the conference.
Want to speak at the next MCTM Coaching Conference? The 2019 Coaching Conference call for speakers is now open. Visit https://tinyurl.com/mctmcoach2019 to submit a proposal by August 1st.